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Qualities of a Highly Effective Learning Environment

Qualities of a Highly Effective Learning Environment

Classrooms continue to shift away from traditional learning methods and absorb new techniques being discovered into their curriculum to improve each student's learning experience. There is no single strategy, however, to improving learning. Instead, it takes a combination of many different approaches in the classroom and beyond. Here are a few examples of the qualities of a highly effective learning environment.

The Teacher as the Model for Students

The best teachers are role models for students to reflect on their work habits. A highly effective teacher creates a curious, engaging learning environment. Some examples of how a teacher can effectively improve learning are to incorporate multiple learning models in the curriculum, have a diversified resource portfolio when developing projects, homework, and lessons, and personalize their teaching to their students' needs.

Technology To Enrich Curriculum

The role of technology and its importance in our lives increases by the day. Technology also improves the learning experience when incorporated into curriculum. Technology allows students to easily learn and quickly practice what they are learning. Integrating technology in the classroom also allows students, especially in STEM, to explore new subjects and deepen their comprehension of complex topics. Having the right digital tools also makes learning more accessible to all students.

Active Participation is Encouraged

Fostering an environment where students feel connected as a community can lead to improved knowledge. One of the best ways to do so is to encourage active participation in the classroom. Active participation results from students talking about or working on activities directly related to the content they are being taught. This participation should go beyond questions and answers, and instead open a dialogue where students build on each other's responses. Getting students more involved keeps them better engaged and helps with retaining and processing information.

Lighting Up the Classroom

Students may have difficulty focusing or eye disorders that make it harder to see clearly. These complications are compounded by poor lighting in the classroom and hallways, which can cause eye strain, thus making it more challenging to maneuver and see everything around the school. These problems, in turn, can lead to poor academic performance.

Fluorescent lighting has been a leading cause of eye strain and other visual issues such as glare and flickering. Utilizing LED lights in place of fluorescent bulbs can help improve students’ moods, increase focus, and make kids feel more comfortable in the classroom.

These qualities are just a few of the many different practices you can install in your classrooms to help promote learning. At Shiffler Lighting Solutions, we provide LED lighting for classrooms that help improve students' ability to learn. Feel free to contact us through our website with any questions about addressing your lighting needs.

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